Thursday, July 17, 2014

Shit That Kills: Lies

The majority of my blog posts are positive. If they aren't positive, then they are about turning negative attributes into positive ones. This was not intentional, just something that was brought to my attention. As of recent, a series of events have occurred in my life that aren't so positive. Not knowing how to spin it into something optimistic, I chose to neglect the blog and put the pen down. To be completely honest, I saw nothing hopeful about my circumstances. Just because I saw nothing hopeful, however, doesn't mean that someone else didn't.

Like a stubborn damsel in distress I ignored my knight and shining armor's advice concerning the impediments that wouldn't simply leave me alone and kick rocks, and chose to wallow in my own mess. Looking back, bad idea. But that's not the moral. It wasn't until it was told to me that writing during the times of trouble/heartache/distress/shit are the moments worth recording that I found real inspiration. So, my apologies to my readers, and thank-you O Wise One for endowing me with the strength to write about the shit that bugs me. 

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Photo Credit: Google
The worst type of liar is the person who believes their own bullshit. If you come across a person who is comfortable and confident about feeding you scenarios that never happened, words that sound too hard to believe or blessings that don't seem genuine, then you have a serious problem on your hands. It should come to no surprise, however, that many people have come to believe that the 'white lie' is real, and therefore excuses anyone from telling the absolute truth - all of it. This is the biggest piece of shit I've ever heard! How are you going to lie, label it with a color, and be excused from the bullshit you just fed me?! What the hell?! Is the color meant to be a distraction of some sort? If you need a color to label the lie then you need to step your lie game up, because it must not have been that good in the first place if you need a gimmic to validate it. 

Photo Credit: Google
And this whole, 'partial truth' - stop it people! It's called lying by omission! Yes! I said it! If you didn't tell me the whole truth then You. Are. LYYINGGGGGG. There is no grey area for me when it comes to lying. Either its right or wrong, left or right, truth or lie, God or the Devil... you can't be in the Michael phase of your life. 

[For those of you who don't know, that's the name given to Lucifer (aka Satan), when he was the leader of all angels, before he was banished from Heaven. This would be considered a gray area. NO! You're the Devil or not. See that photo to the right: NOT POSSIBLE! No cute Devil's. Not real. Stop it. That's it.] 

I will not lie and say the I am perfect. I have lied before for a variety of reasons. I do, as a young woman now, have certain standards to which I hold myself, however, because I know the pain it can cause. It is UNACCEPTABLE to lie in a relationship; whether it is intimate or with a close friend, and parents... unless you are financially independent of them and stable on your own, because then whatever you're lying about it probably none of their business, and they can't shut off your phone, light, heat, water, starve you, cut you off the insurance plan, etc. 

It is an insult, in my opinion, if you believe that the person you are lying to is not worthy of knowing the truth. It is soooo annoying when the truth finally comes out and the liar looks stupid and feels bad, knowing they shouldn't have done it in the first place. More than anything else, TRUST is broken. I'm told that it takes 7 good things to happen in order to undo one bad. Doesn't that sound expensive to you? I'm talking EXPENSIIIIIVEEEE, especially if you really want that person to trust you right away. Then again, the problem with that is the person will probably no longer believe your efforts are genuine since you're rushing to fix the issue. See, in this situation, everything is just a hot mess. Avoid it. 

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This post was inspired by an experience I had when someone really close to me lied to my face. The result? Forgiveness. Moving forward... My advice? Forgive a person for every mistake they made... but keep track of the shit that kills, because forgiving someone for the same thing twice means it's not a mistake and is no longer acceptable. 

Photo Credit: Google


MM :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Character: The Grown Boy/Girl

Photo Credit: Google
It has been reported that tons of young boys are gathering all of their inner strength to grow longer legs, bulkier arms, 20 pack abs and bear-like facial hair - and are succeeding! This group of youth are often seen walking along the street with over-sized designer clothing and empty wallets. In case of an emergency, these people call Mom Dukes before dialing 9-1-1. Their profession is to successfully feign the life of a grown man though the truth remains: he is a grown boy. 

Photo Credit: Google
It has also been reported that a large number of young girls are stretching their budget to adorn themselves with grown woman trinkets. Necklaces and bracelets, rings and high heels that are beyond their budget - still being labeled as original - are discounted look-alikes. These young girls are the ones who claim to be happy with themselves, yet have a caramel skin complexion on the face and dark chocolate color from the neck down. Carrying a toddler with Jordan's on the feet and taking him to grandma's place to restock for more. Their profession is to successfully feign the life of a grown woman though the truth remains she is a grown girl.

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As a young adult, I have recognized that growing up is a process for which many never get a hold of. I am certain that there are a number of instances when I act more mature than many expect, and other times when I prefer to exude my carefree side. However, I will openly admit to both. For the grown boy/girl who feels that it is not okay to be honest about your level of dependency on parents, friends or government, think again. Many people do not have the revelation that they must act as an adult, whether it is convenient or not, until around age 24 (women) or 26 (men) . . . [these numbers came out of thin air, just my guesstimate]. The reality is: life isn't easy, and it would be much more difficult without the help of others. It is even more unfair to the people who've assisted us to not give them thanks.


MM :)