Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Want A Dog

Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Here's a random thought: I want a dog. My animal-keeper resume isn't the best, but I must admit that all of my attempts to keep and animal happy have been pretty memorable. I've owned a few fish, found a cat... lost a cat, adopted a dog, was gifted a hermit crab, and there was even that one time I owned a kitten for 19.7 hours. Like I said, my track record isn't the best. Still, I think I deserve another chance.

I want a dog that is as cute as a the Brussels Griffon, but as sharp as a German Shephard. It should be able to snuggle like a Havanese, but snappy like a Chihuahua. I want nothing huge. Some dogs have a tendency to look like their distant relatives - the wolf - and I refuse to walk into my house afraid of my own pet. I don't need a full breed, even though that would be nice, but would definitely like something classy. I've seen a ton of dogs lately and started to think that a dog would be perfect for me.

The only problem is... well, convincing "Someone" to get one.

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