Journeying to England has been a pleasure! There is a great history in Bath that has for a long time been unknown to me. My aspirations as a writer have encouraged my curiosity. Jane Austen and her stories fill my eyes - no longer attached to the pages - and paint the film of a lifestyle worthy of being acknowledged. I wonder if I was born in to the wrong times... Literature and writing courses have taken a great deal of my attention away from those I love, whom I left, overseas. Without being too distant from my immersion, and forgetting the home from which I came, I have come to know communication to be the key. In honor of JA, I have written letters to those who have helped me.
#3 - Cell Phone
Photo Credit: Tim Gee
Honest Phone,
You have made me pay a cost so high, I cannot bear to manage the sight of your absence. Even the slightest idea of our distance brings trauma - a paranoia unexplained. Unfathomable to feel the layers of fabric that lies within the basket to be my pocket, and not feel your rough and sturdy build sitting snuggily in between. Impossible for me to be absentminded in the positioning of your stand. Much terror you bring. Who knew what responsibilities could weigh the psyche, being such a small thing! I am astonished, still, at the price that I have to pay, but you will be put to use, as I find the love of those connected worth it.
#2 - Skype
Image Credit: Mark Smith Design
Dearest Skype,
What a wonderful investment, and marvelous addition you have been to the technological world! The joys I experience from you in mid afternoon and in the later evenings. Friendly encounters keep me content. Though your own specific kind of Wifi is more likely the preference of which you are fond, I will continue to work through the dropped calls, and frequent interjections of surveying matters. You keep me smiling, granting me the possibility to see those far away feel, right here, at home.
#1- Email
Image Credit: Lee Jackson
Sweetest Email,
Conveniently placed at the tips of my fingers. Press a button. Another. Tempting to not stop as it is. With much to say and an indefinite amount of space. You limit me none, and want only time in return. An affair with the letters, black key and screen. Knowledgeable of all I do not say. You know me all to well by now. Letters of intimacy and notes of joy transport to the other end in an instant. How could I find fault in such immediacy! Congratulations on your accomplishment of being my number one of choice.
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