Monday, June 30, 2014

Character: A Bad Boss

I know that I am not the only person who has worked for someone that they don't quite favor. But I've had an experience that made me feel like I was a slave to the mafia. Has that ever happened to you? This is a bad boss.
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Someone who pays you less than you deserve, should earn, and are qualified to make. Someone who tries to get you to empathize with their personal situation as to better inform you of why you are in your situation, and ensure you that as long as their stars aren't aligned, yours won't be either. The kind of person to train you for great customer service, then call you a "newbie" in front of your clients. The kind of person that boasts about their success in public but cries in private. This one claims professional standards through-and-through but turns their head when an employee is in need of personal time. I'm talking about possessing all the qualities of a dictator but preaches the book of democracy. I'm referring to the denials of vacation time, threats to your position and immediate removal if services (not stated in "contract") are undone. In short, the only person who fully deserves to hear every one of their employees say, "I quit."

MM :)

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