Monday, June 30, 2014

Character: The Good "Bad" Boy

Photo Credit: Google
He's attractive: Tall, dark and handsome... working a good job (maybe even owns his own business), young and living with his parents (but has a nice agreement worked out where he's pulling his share), drives a car... a really nice car, and wants to spend time with you, but as a side chick. Damn!

It is almost guaranteed that in a world where the population is constantly rising that every girl will meet a few bad guys. I'm not talking about motorcycle, cigarette in hand, James Dean kind of bad, but I'm talking about the "he's going to give you everything you want, and give you everything in return at a price you can afford but should not be willing to pay" breed of bad. This guy can live and breathe luxury, eat and sleep hard-work, piss and shit golden bricks and have the ability to hand you the world on a silver platter... to share.

Photo Credit: Google
I don't think I need to say anymore than: I urge women to do better when it comes to men. I saw an article of a woman kissing the stomach of another woman who was pregnant... with her boyfriend. I though that threesomes lasted no more than an hour, never more than a year. This was their lifestyle, and though I'm being very judgmental, it was terrible to watch. To know that women give up hope on finding love, refuse to drop the dead weights and move on to something better because that is what they deserve is unfortunate. Don't let a man change your mind around to the point where he has you doing tricks for him.

Don't waste your time, ladies. Everything that glitters isn't always gold.

MM :)

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