Thursday, July 25, 2013

When I Suck For Free

Contrary to popular belief, it is not that difficult to be the kind of person that anyone would like to be around. Do you have to do certain things? Yes. Will you end up sacrificing a bit of yourself for causes that you may not want to support? Maybe. Have I done it? Sure. Who hasn't. Will I do it again? NOT! Twenty years young, and I am no longer into pleasing others the way I once was when I was in middle school. I am much more into being myself, maybe even more of myself than people can handle from the start, just to test a person's ability to handle it all. Recently, I've been told that people gravitate most towards those persons who would show characteristics of being "real" (expressing the entire spectrum of emotions) than "fake" (one more than others, ONLY when in the presence of particular people). Now, if more '"fake" people are going to come my way so they can feed off of my positive energy, then I'd rather be "fake" for the moment and suck for free.

Image Credit: HDWallpaper

I have not heard anyone tell me that I am a difficult person to be around, but I do imagine that I can be when I want to be (like everyone else in the world). In saying that, it is not difficult for me to get someone to dislike me. This is something you want to be careful with, however. The worst case scenario will end up in you showing your ass to someone who means something to you. Don't be stupid.

Image Credit: ThePajamaPundit

The trick to getting someone to not like you is doing all the things that irritate them. Be the annoying little sister that every man would be more than grateful not to have ever had. Do your best to go out of your way to bug the hell out of that person. Make sure that you are consistent in your pranks, unforgiving in your actions, and words. Make it hurt! I say this with confidence because it has proven to work. I am not saying that I do not like people - I love the company of others. However, in the words of Keri Hilson, everyone has a breaking point. When I have reached my breaking point, I am not the friendliest person to be around. I would even recommend staying away from me at that point.

Despite this immature advice, it works. If it is not your cup of tea, I advise you to be mature about it: walk up to the person and tell them that you want them to leave you alone. If that is not clear enough, ignore them.

Ain't nobody got time for that!

Image Credit: WallpaperStock

On a more serious note: life is TOO short. Settle your differences amongst those people who have qualities that you dislike, and make life an easier living for yourself and others.

Stay happy!
MM :)

1 comment:

  1. This is an interestingly funny post :)

