Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's Your Hump, Make The Most Of It

Everyone knows what a rebound is. For those who are unsure, or unfamiliar with the term, you've missed out. (Thankfully for you, I'm here to keep you up-to-date) A rebound is most popular as basketball terminology, referring to a ball that bounces back after striking the rim of the basketball hoop. However, it is going to be used in this post as it is often referenced in the modern day dating scene - also found on urbandictionary.com - "someone you date/go out with to keep yourself busy and you use him/her to keep your mind off your ex you (possibly) still have feelings for." Now, while this seems like a great prospect, there are a few damaging steps that can sprout from this circumstance... but who wants to talk about that?! I certainly won't. I am going to vent for a bit, however, about what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do to avoid any misunderstandings between you and your rebound, keeping them in their place (FRIENDzone) and you in yours (FREEzone).

Image Credit: Marni's Wing Girl Method
The WORST case scenario for a rebounding situation is that... well... the rebound traps you and you end up in a real relationship. This is no bueno (no good). Imagine: it's taken a while for you to exit one relationship, mostly because you still have attachments to the ex, and your rebound catches you at the most vulnerable time of your life (this may be over exaggerated), then you say... "OK." This kind of situation appears from a series of SHOULD NOT moves that have been made on both ends. The sequence of events usually happens like this...

POUR UP - breakup - HEAD SHOT - rebound - PASS OUT - sex - FADED - engaged  

Ok... maybe you don't come out engaged, but the pressure equivalent is pretty damn close, and the feeling of being in that new relationship is just as burdensome. Granted, an engagement is a beautiful moment in anyone's life. But what good is the right person if it is not the right time? Somewhere between  passing out and being faded, you both found yourselves in a clouded space, feasting on lust crusted hors d'oeuvres served on a wooden head board, and are convinced it feels so 'right.'
Image Credit: Beyonce Music Video
Let's be clear: the only thing that feels 'right' is the attention. Face it... had you not consumed so much that you became a life size bottle of Everclear, now slobbishly accessorized with purple and green Mardi gras beads, you would not be in the present circumstance, wondering how you are in a new relationship. Sulk, cry, drink and eat your weight in ice cream while watching Waiting To Exhale and listening to Not Gon' Cry (Mary J. Blige) - men, do you. But do not let your rebound interfere with this process. They are there to serve only one purpose, and it is not to be your therapist! That's what friends are for.

Image Credit: Young Body Nutrition
The BEST case scenario for a rebounding situation is that YOU pursue the rebound, and finalize a relationship that you are ready and prepared to take on. Though knowing when enough time has elapsed since your last break up is crucial to choosing a time to start dating again, it is even more of a surprise when you allow the person you have chosen for a rebound to slowly become more significant than 'another friend.' By initiating the steps in moving forward, you maintain control. No one can make a move unless you approve - sounds great, right? Well... That's because control over your situation is the 'right' feeling, and one that is always worth experiencing.

Be Happy!
MM :)

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