Thursday, July 25, 2013

When I Suck For Free

Contrary to popular belief, it is not that difficult to be the kind of person that anyone would like to be around. Do you have to do certain things? Yes. Will you end up sacrificing a bit of yourself for causes that you may not want to support? Maybe. Have I done it? Sure. Who hasn't. Will I do it again? NOT! Twenty years young, and I am no longer into pleasing others the way I once was when I was in middle school. I am much more into being myself, maybe even more of myself than people can handle from the start, just to test a person's ability to handle it all. Recently, I've been told that people gravitate most towards those persons who would show characteristics of being "real" (expressing the entire spectrum of emotions) than "fake" (one more than others, ONLY when in the presence of particular people). Now, if more '"fake" people are going to come my way so they can feed off of my positive energy, then I'd rather be "fake" for the moment and suck for free.

Image Credit: HDWallpaper

I have not heard anyone tell me that I am a difficult person to be around, but I do imagine that I can be when I want to be (like everyone else in the world). In saying that, it is not difficult for me to get someone to dislike me. This is something you want to be careful with, however. The worst case scenario will end up in you showing your ass to someone who means something to you. Don't be stupid.

Image Credit: ThePajamaPundit

The trick to getting someone to not like you is doing all the things that irritate them. Be the annoying little sister that every man would be more than grateful not to have ever had. Do your best to go out of your way to bug the hell out of that person. Make sure that you are consistent in your pranks, unforgiving in your actions, and words. Make it hurt! I say this with confidence because it has proven to work. I am not saying that I do not like people - I love the company of others. However, in the words of Keri Hilson, everyone has a breaking point. When I have reached my breaking point, I am not the friendliest person to be around. I would even recommend staying away from me at that point.

Despite this immature advice, it works. If it is not your cup of tea, I advise you to be mature about it: walk up to the person and tell them that you want them to leave you alone. If that is not clear enough, ignore them.

Ain't nobody got time for that!

Image Credit: WallpaperStock

On a more serious note: life is TOO short. Settle your differences amongst those people who have qualities that you dislike, and make life an easier living for yourself and others.

Stay happy!
MM :)

Break Me Off

Dealing with my own emotions is a pain. I'm an English major and still get stumped when it comes to articulating how I feel. The problem is that we are limited to the words that are allotted to us in our vocabulary... but that's a conversation for another blog entry. Right now, I want to deal with the personal issues that arise when deciding to break off someone from your life. While I do not believe it is possible to burn bridges with one hundred precent certainty, I do believe that it is possible to do so with feeling some sort of relief in the choice. However, when that feeling is no longer present, after the decision has been made, then you have another problem. Establishing yourself on the middle ground platform is worth discussing. And, luckily for your wandering heart, I am here to help.

Image Credit: Slow Bumpy Road
Breaking off from a relationship can be the hardest thing one ever does. (And this is not something that I am over exaggerating). No matter the age or amount of time spent with the person, it never gets easier. Dealing with emotions for yourself is challenging on its own. So, when you add someone else to the mix, it's understandable that your decision can seem to be a matter of life or death since someone else is hanging in the balance as well. There is a huge responsibility that comes with making choices that impact your life, and the life of another persons (which is why parenthood is nothing to take lightly). Simply considering the act of ending a relationship can be daunting; returning items, memories, gifts (or not), can be a long and painful process. But, if it must happen, then it shall, and all joy to your life will be restored. 

That's a bunch of sarcasm if I ever wrote it.  (see last sentence).

Image Credit: The Hoggards
I have made mistakes before that have led to me to change my mind. And if you're just as
indecisive as I am at times, and are forced to make a decision, it's okay to move forward with your decision and admit to making an error in judgment. But to be sure that you do not make the same mistake again, there are some things you should consider while waiting for the right answer to ride along the path that you are walking... alone.

It is more than necessary for you to be honest with yourself at all times. No one knows you like you do. Your needs and desires may be expressed to outsiders, but no one knows what it means to feel the same exact way that you do about your situation. Paying attention to who you are listening to is crucial. If you are finalizing decisions about your relationship, and taking the advice from someone who has never been in a relationship, then I advise you to allow that person to talk about 'their ideals,' (things they are 'sure' about but have never had to put into action themselves), but remember your opinion overrides that of anyone else.

Grant yourself time to recover from making the decision. This is an important step in any decision. While it has often been used with a lingering negative connotation, it is meant to be positive when I say, "You need to reap what it is that you sew." Not many people experience the result of their own choice. It is important for you to soak in the affects of your decision. It is only in dwelling on this platform that you will realize if it's best to jump on the next train in the same direction, or 'right' your 'wrong,' and purchase a one way ticket back from where you came. Either way, this experience will prove to be the perfect guide for taking the next step. Most importantly, this move was not influenced by anyone else, but done on your own accord.

Image Credit: John, How To Get Confidence
Now that you have taken the time to be honest with yourself about the choice you have decided
to re-make, it is best to put those thoughts into action. Without action, nothing is really accomplished. Making moves towards what it is that you really want can be the most rewarding sensation your mind experiences. It is assumed that by the time you get to this stage that you are not the same person that you were when you made the first decision. You should feel prepared to make a change, and do just that.

With this being said, I leave you with a quote from Albert Einstein that encourages making a change. It is not explicit as to whether or not the change must be geared towards correcting a wrong decision, or not. What it does do, however, is approve of making change, because that is how our world evolves. Being apart of this world, it's only right that we change too.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”   Albert Einstein

MM :)

The Conjuring (2013)

 I have always been one for encouraging spontaneity. An unplanned movie date with my mother and friend turned into one of the best surprises that I have had in a while. Nothing against the people (I love you both), but the excitement came more from the movie of choice - The Conjuring. 

 It was a tale of good vs. evil. The plot evolves as it is revealed to the audience that one family has a problem (the Perrons) which can only be alleviated by means of the other family (the Warrens). The issue: particular persons, who are characterized as being a part of the supernatural world, have attached themselves to physical objects and other living people, in order to continue to perform the very evil acts that had taken place in the home years ago. In an effort to restore things to normal, an exorcism is performed on those who have been abducted by the evil spirits. To say whether the exorcism is a complete success would be unfair to those who have yet to watch the film. I do not think that anyone would mind, however, a slight glimpse into the movie screen with this before-credit roll quote:

"Diabolical  forces are formidable. These forces  are eternal, and they exist today. In a world that scoffs at ghosts and laughs at the unusual, the Warrens deliver a contrary message. That message is this: The fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow." Ed Warren

 This intrigued me. Not only was it an unexpected end to a terrifying movie, but it forced the audience to freeze, grab their last kernel, and reflect. Having just participated in watching this movie, I was taken aback by how subtle, yet powerful, the presence of this one quote had on me. The message was nothing but an intrusion on my thoughts, and strong enough for me to consider it as an entry for my blog. There is no mistaking, however,  that this was the director's intent; the desire to merge fantasy film with reality. I know the actual happenings in the movie frightened me a bit, but the final moments in which I processed this fact is what I consider most concerning. 

 Knowing that the circumstances present in the film actually happened, and observing the intense real-life terror that was experienced for this family, is the shocking experience that all movie-goers will receive. But the shock of knowing that your life is connected to their experience is the real thriller. You just have you see it.

MM :) 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's Your Hump, Make The Most Of It

Everyone knows what a rebound is. For those who are unsure, or unfamiliar with the term, you've missed out. (Thankfully for you, I'm here to keep you up-to-date) A rebound is most popular as basketball terminology, referring to a ball that bounces back after striking the rim of the basketball hoop. However, it is going to be used in this post as it is often referenced in the modern day dating scene - also found on - "someone you date/go out with to keep yourself busy and you use him/her to keep your mind off your ex you (possibly) still have feelings for." Now, while this seems like a great prospect, there are a few damaging steps that can sprout from this circumstance... but who wants to talk about that?! I certainly won't. I am going to vent for a bit, however, about what you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do to avoid any misunderstandings between you and your rebound, keeping them in their place (FRIENDzone) and you in yours (FREEzone).

Image Credit: Marni's Wing Girl Method
The WORST case scenario for a rebounding situation is that... well... the rebound traps you and you end up in a real relationship. This is no bueno (no good). Imagine: it's taken a while for you to exit one relationship, mostly because you still have attachments to the ex, and your rebound catches you at the most vulnerable time of your life (this may be over exaggerated), then you say... "OK." This kind of situation appears from a series of SHOULD NOT moves that have been made on both ends. The sequence of events usually happens like this...

POUR UP - breakup - HEAD SHOT - rebound - PASS OUT - sex - FADED - engaged  

Ok... maybe you don't come out engaged, but the pressure equivalent is pretty damn close, and the feeling of being in that new relationship is just as burdensome. Granted, an engagement is a beautiful moment in anyone's life. But what good is the right person if it is not the right time? Somewhere between  passing out and being faded, you both found yourselves in a clouded space, feasting on lust crusted hors d'oeuvres served on a wooden head board, and are convinced it feels so 'right.'
Image Credit: Beyonce Music Video
Let's be clear: the only thing that feels 'right' is the attention. Face it... had you not consumed so much that you became a life size bottle of Everclear, now slobbishly accessorized with purple and green Mardi gras beads, you would not be in the present circumstance, wondering how you are in a new relationship. Sulk, cry, drink and eat your weight in ice cream while watching Waiting To Exhale and listening to Not Gon' Cry (Mary J. Blige) - men, do you. But do not let your rebound interfere with this process. They are there to serve only one purpose, and it is not to be your therapist! That's what friends are for.

Image Credit: Young Body Nutrition
The BEST case scenario for a rebounding situation is that YOU pursue the rebound, and finalize a relationship that you are ready and prepared to take on. Though knowing when enough time has elapsed since your last break up is crucial to choosing a time to start dating again, it is even more of a surprise when you allow the person you have chosen for a rebound to slowly become more significant than 'another friend.' By initiating the steps in moving forward, you maintain control. No one can make a move unless you approve - sounds great, right? Well... That's because control over your situation is the 'right' feeling, and one that is always worth experiencing.

Be Happy!
MM :)